Wednesday, June 19, 2013

CT Results

What an adventure we had!  Sutton had his CT scan on Monday.  We left Columbia at 5:30 on Monday morning and got to KC in plenty of time to feed Suttie his last bottle for what would be about 9 hours- what a trooper!  
(Trying to snooze on the car ride)

He first had his fluoroscopy at 10-  little guy did not like being pinned to the table while this quick moving x-ray was done, but fortunately it only lasted 2 minutes and Andrew and I were able to be in the room.  The radiologist told us she believed the issue was a diaphragmatic eventration- basically the muscles controlling his diaphragm are weak causing it to not stay in place.  This procedure couldn't tell us anything about his lung, so the CT scan was still necessary.

We were able to take a little break.  Apparently, there was a miscommunication and they decided Sutton did not need to drink the oral color block and they would just give it to him via feeding tube after he was sedated.  We took this time to meet up with our friends Dawn and Ryan who just happened to be in KC as well!  It was great to have a distraction for a little bit, plus Dawn made a mean chicken pot pie!

("Who needs food?  As long as I've got my paci and puppy, I'm good!")

We arrived back at the hospital around 1 for our 1:30 appointment.  However, they didn't call us back until 2:40.  Then they began the sedation process.  The nurses placed an IV in Suttie's arm for the anesthesia.  What a champ!  He cried but then remembered that the nurses dipped his paci in sucrose water and he was a happy boy once again!

("What IV?")

They finally took Sutton back for his anesthesia around 3:40.  Andrew and I waited in the waiting room until the CT was done around 5:30.  They said he did great, but because he was a preemie and they were worried about possible apnea spells, they wanted to keep him in the hospital overnight.  Apparently, there was a miscommunication from the radiology department and the anesthesiologist.  While we were told by radiology that S would go home as long as everything went well, the anesthesia department always keep babies born at his gestation overnight for observation.  Bummer:(, but we understood and appreciated the care they were taking.  We were told we would most likely receive the results by morning after the pulmonology team reviewed the scan.  Sutton was very groggy until about midnight (thanks for the all night party, bud).  He did great though and had no apnea spells and only slight drops in his oxygen saturation.

(Sutton trying to shake of the anesthesia)

("I'm awake!!!!!")

In the morning we were visited by lots of doctors.  Everyone agreed (including the pulmonologist) that he definitely is dealing with an eventration.  It is not conclusive if he is also dealing with the diaphragmatic hernia as well though.  The plan for the eventration is just to keep an eye on it.  Hopefully the weak muscle will strengthen with time and no treatment will be needed.  Sutton has a follow up appointment with the pulmonologist in 3 months.  The pediatric surgeons would like to see Sutton next week for a consult about the possible hernia.  Not having spoken with them yet, we are still a bit confused how they plan to tell if he actually has a hernia and will likely be talking to our pal Dr. O'Connor for his opinion if they decide to do an exploratory surgery.  We will keep you updated!

The great news is that the CT scan didn't show any issues with the lung!  Thankfully this mother's intuition was wrong this time!  Whew!  The prognosis is great for both of these issues and Sutton received great treatment from Mercy even if they were a bit disorganized getting information to us.

Meanwhile, back in Columbia Lawson was having a great time with Grandma Lulu!  They played a new game called "Puppy on My Head."

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